SCAR TREATMENT & WOUND MANAGEMENTDMK’s unique method of scar revision is highly effective at reducing scar tissue and smoothing uneven skin textures and tones. Many clients come to us after using ineffective scar treatment products which work topically rather than remodeling the skin back to form a firm, flat surface

The DMK Approach to Scar Revision
There are many crèmes on the market that claim to eliminate scars. The truth is that most of these are ineffective. Scars actually need a treatment protocol to “re-damage” and remove the scarred tissue, and then rebuild a stronger firmer tissue underneath.
Simply rubbing crèmes or lotions on to the skin’s surface will not remove or reduce scars. DMK stimulates the rebuilding process with ENZYME THERAPY.
After a thorough skin diagnosis, a treatment program will be established according to the type of scar tissue, and the clients genetic colouring. Scar revision sometimes requires a combination of the DMK resurfacing procedures.
To revise scarring we must remove and rebuild at the same time. This process creates a restorative effect. DMK utilizes a formulation that dissolves and softens the area just enough to stimulate the re-knitting mechanisms of the tissue. Then we rebuild and repair the area in a smoother, firmer fashion.
By design, DMK’s scar revision treatment encourages the skin to go into a repair phase that enables it to become even and smooth again. The treatment process for scarring, involves a combination of DMK’s unique treatments and special skincare formulations to give you the results you want.

ENZYME THERAPY – Scars on ageing skin tend to look deeper or more predominant as the skin loosens with age, particularly in the case of ice pick acne scars. Tightening the skin with enzyme treatments gives a progressive lift to the tissues which also smoothes out the appearance of scars as the skin becomes firmer.
ALKALINE WASH – Alkalizing the skin correctly softens skin tissue via cell desquamation, many times creating a mild irritation that forms a light scab. When the scab falls off, the scarred area appears smoother and flatter. DMK’s ALKALINE WASH is highly effective in dissolving and removing old scar material because the treatment REMOVES and REBUILDS at the same time
PRO ALPHA SIX LAYER PEEL This is an excellent peeling treatment program for sun-damaged pigmentation, irregular skin color and large areas of discoloration. It also works to remove fine lines, wrinkles, rough course skin, uneven texture and scarring
PRO PEEL This is a gentler option to DMK’s PRO ALPHA SIX LAYER PEEL. It removes darker areas of skin by ingesting the dead, dark skin cells and is safe for all types of skin